map North America Latin America Africa Europe Asia Oceania

New Data Sets

Russia: Elena Korchmina, Moscow prices and wages, 1553-1917

Russia: Anna Akasheva, Nizhny Novgorod land lease prices 1859-1914

Asia: Yuzuru Kumon, Japan wages, prices, and living standards 1600-1938

North America: Gallman–Rhode estimates of US Capital, 19th Century

Eastern Europe: Wage rates and prices 1897-1939 (Links to Lithuanian Data Archive for Social Sciences and Humanities, LiDA)

Site Managers:

Matthew Curtis, University of Southern Denmark, ()
Peter H. Lindert, University of California - Davis, ()

The GPIH Group thanks the IT team in the Division of Social Sciences, UC Davis, for housing this internet site. The Group is also grateful for funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation under awards #SES0433358, #SES0649062, and #SES0922531. Its researchers also benefit greatly from their frequent consultations with fellow members of the All-UC Group in Economic History and the International Institute of Social History (IISG, Netherlands).