- Africa= all Africa, including Madagascar
- Asia
- East Asia = China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Philippines
- Southeast Asia = Indochina, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia
- South Asia = Burma, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan
- Southwest Asia = Iran, Iraq, Arabian Peninsula, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and Asian Turkey
- Europe
- Southeast Europe = Cyprus, European Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, and all the former Yugoslavia
- Southern Europe = Italy, Malta, and San Marino
- Southwest Europe = France, Portugal, and Spain
- Central Europe = Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Hungary
- Eastern Europe = Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, and Baltics
- Nordic Europe = Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark
- Northwest Europe = Belgium, Netherlands, Great Britain, Ireland, and Iceland
- North America = Canada, USA
- Latin America = Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, and South America
- Oceania = Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands
- Converting to metric units
Wages - Cote d'Ivoire 1903-1936 (van Waijenburg)
Wages - Dahomey 1913-1936 (van Waijenburg)
Wages - French Cameroun 1922-1936 (van Waijenburg)
Wages - French Soudan 1903-1936 (van Waijenburg)
Wages - French Congo 1915-1934 (van Waijenburg)
Wages - French Soudan 1903-1936 (van Waijenburg)
Wages - Gabon 1915-1934 (van Waijenburg)
Wages - French Togo 1921-1936 (van Waijenburg)
Wages - Haute Volta 1919-1932 (van Waijenburg)
Wages - Guinee 1913-1936 (van Waijenburg)
Wages - Madagascar 1913-1936 (van Waijenburg)
Wages - Mauritanie 1913-1935 (van Waijenburg)
Wages - Niger 1913-1936 (van Waijenburg)
Wages - Oubangui-Chari 1915-1934 (van Waijenburg)
Wages - Senegal 1922-1936 (van Waijenburg)
Wages - Tchad 1915-1934 (van Waijenburg)
Egypt 1250-1517
Cairo wages, wheat 1400-1800
South Africa wage rates by occupation and gender, 1837-1913 (de Zwart)
Cape Colony prices and consumer baskets, 1837-1913 (de Zwart)
Natal prices and consumer baskets, 1852-1913 (de Zwart)
Gambia 1880-1964 wages, prices, and welfare ratios (Frankema and van Waijenburg)
Gold Coast 1880-1960 wages, prices, and welfare ratios (Frankema and van Waijenburg)
Kenya 1904-1965 wages, prices, and welfare ratios (Frankema and van Waijenburg)
Mauritius 1887-1965 wages, prices, and welfare ratios (Frankema and van Waijenburg)
Nigeria 1880-1960 wages, prices, and welfare ratios (Frankema and van Waijenburg)
Nyasaland 1901-1962 wages, prices, and welfare ratios (Frankema and van Waijenburg)
Sierra Leone 1880-1965 wages, prices, and welfare ratios (Frankema and van Waijenburg)
Tanganyika 1929-1963 wages, prices, and welfare ratios (Frankema and van Waijenburg)
Uganda 1906-1959 wages, prices, and welfare ratios (Frankema and van Waijenburg)
East Asia
East Asia wage rates 1927-1953 (ILO, IISG)
Beijing prices 1900-1924
China, rice prices 961-1910 (Liu)
China, wages 1659-1820 (Chen, Chen, Kiefner, Moll-Murata Wenliang, and Ma, IISG)
China wages 1807-1925
Beijing prices 1738-1923 and data graphed in Figures 2-6 of Allen et al (GPIH WP #1 and ECHR)
Japanese wages, prices, and living standards 1600-1938 (Kumon)
Japan rice P's 1620-1867
Japan 1710-1871 (Mitsui Bunko)
Japan 1885-1926
Osaka 1600-1650
Map, some Tokugawa era places
Korea, labor costs, land prices, rents, interest rates 1690-1909 (Jun-Lewis, IISG)
Korea, prices, wages, 1696-1920
Southeast Asia
Java prices, wages (Van Zanden)
Java, monthly rice prices 1824-1855 (Van Zanden, IISG)
Thai prices and wages 1820-1959
Java 1880 income distribution
Java 1924 income distribution
Siam 1929-1930 income distribution
VOC auction prices, quantities, and values traded, Amsterdam 1650-1790 (Pim de Zwart)
Dutch vs. Asian prices, VOC trade 1608-1800 (Pim de Zwart)
South Asia
Bombay, 1921-1940, monthly cost of living product prices (IISG)
India, wheat & rice, 1861-1921 (Jacks)
India prices and wages 1595-1930 (Allen and Studer)
Mughal Empire c1595
and later
North India 1600-1938 (Mukerjee)
Pune prices 1796-1831
India 1750 income distribution
Bihar 1807 income distribution
Dutch vs. Asian prices, VOC trade 1608-1800 (Pim de Zwart)
Southwest Asia
Babylon commodity prices 385-361 BC (van der Spek, IISG)
Levant (Damascus) 1596 income distribution (Cosgel)
European wage rates 1927-1953 (ILO, IISG)
Southeast Europe
Craftsmen’s relative wages (Allen)
Laborers’ relative wages (Allen)
Monthly wheat prices 1800-1913 (Jacks)
Ward-Devereux 1872/8, several cities
Wallachia 1749-1838
Serbia foods 1874-1908
Istanbul, 1469-1914
Byzantium income distribution 1000 CE
South Serbia income distribution 1455
Southern Europe
Craftsmen’s relative wages (Allen)
Laborers’ relative wages (Allen)
Roman Empire 14 CE, income distribution (Milanovic)
Monthly wheat prices 1800-1913 (Jacks)
Ward-Devereux 1872/8, Italian cities
Italy - Florence 1286-1381
Italy - Florence 1520-1621
Italy - Florence Renaissance
Italy - Tuscany 1427 income distribution
Italy - Milan 1601-1710
Italy - Milan 1701-1860
Italy - North, 1285-1850
Italy - Modena 1458-1704
Italy - Naples 1734-1806
Italy - Kingdom of Naples 1811 income distribution (Malanima)
Italy - Siena, wheat monthly prices 1550-1694 (Poynder, IISG)
Italian Silver
Malta prices and craft wages, 1836-1914 (Caruana-Galizia)
Southwest Europe
Craftsmen’s relative wages (Allen)
Laborers’ relative wages (Allen)
Monthly wheat prices 1800-1913 (Jacks)
Ward-Devereux 1872/8, several cities
Paris 1380-1870
Paris, monthly grain prices at Les Halles, 1549-1698 (Poynder, IISG)
France 1450-1789, misc non-Paris
France, monthly prices, 1819-1880 (Michaud, IISG)
France wheat prices 1825-1913 (Drame-Gonfalone-Miller-Roehner)
France income distribution 1788
Strasbourg 1313-1875 (Allen)
Cataluña 1674-1769
Spain 1351-1800
Spain wheat prices 1814-1883, places and months (Barquin, IISG)
Valladolid 1499-1600
Old Castile 1752 income distribution
Prices, wage rates, and exchange rates in three Portuguese cities 1750-1855. (From V. Magalhaes Godinho, 1955.)
All other Portugal series are links to the “PWR- Portugal. Prices, Wages and Rents in Portugal 1300-1910” database. For details and downloading, see this website.
Lisbon prices 1500s – c1910
Construction Materials Prices Lisbon
bricks, lime, nails, sand, tiles 1514-1887
Food Prices Lisbon
Animal Products (bacon, beef, butter, cheese, duck, eggs, hens, lamb, lard, milk, mutton, pigs, pork, rabbit, sheep, smoked ham, suckling pigs, turkey) 1515-1910
Fish (allis shad, dried cod, porgy, sardines, sea breams, sole, tuna, whiting, wreckfish)
Flavoring (cinnamon, cloves, fennel, mustard, pepper, saffron, salt) 1508-1910
Fruit and Legumes (almonds, apples, beans, broad beans, chestnuts, chickpeas, chickling, lemons, lentils, nuts, oranges; peas, potatoes, prunes) 1537-1910
Grain (barley, bran, flour, maize, rice, rye, wheat) 1500-1910
Honey and Sugar 1507-1910
Olive Oil and Olives 1515-1910
Other Food and Drink (chocolate, coffee, tea) 1756-1910
Wine, Brandy and Vinegar 1512-1910
Fuel and Lighting Prices Lisbon (candles, charcoal and firewood) 1517-1910
Metal for Metal Working Prices Lisbon (brass, copper, iron, lead, metal, steel, tin, tin-plate) 1514-1791
Miscellaneous Prices Lisbon (benjoim, horse-shoes, incense, and milk of she-ass, 1512-1863; slaves 1512-1514)
Other Manufactures Prices Lisbon (paper, quill-pens, soap, tallow, wax, writing ink) 1506-1910
Textiles Prices Lisbon (baize, bocaxim, brim, burel, cotton, damask, flax, linen, olanda, ruen, solia, taffeta, tow, wool, Zaragoza) 1505-1863
Tobacco Prices Lisbon 1707-1814
Coimbra prices
Construction Materials Prices Coimbra (bricks, glue, lime, nails, sand, tiles) 1514-1875
Food Prices Coimbra
Animal Products (bacon, beef, butter, capon, cheese, duck, eggs, fillet, Flemish cheese, hen, lamb, lard, meat, milk, mutton, partridge, pig, pork, rabbit, sheep, smoked ham, suckling-pig, turkey) 1514-1898
Fish (allis shad, croacker, dogfish, dried cod, eel, fish, gurnard, lamprey, sardine, sea bass, sole, streak, whiting) 1532-1898
Flavouring (cinnamon, cloves, mustard, pepper, saffron, salt) 1532-1898
Fruit and Legumes (almond, apple, beans, broad beans, candied citron, cherry, chestnut, chickpea, chickling, dried grape, dried peach, fig, grape, lemon, lentils, lime, lupine, melon, orange, peach, pear, pea, potato, prune, walnut, watermelon) 1532-1898
Grain (barley, flour, maize, rice, rye, wheat) 1504-1897
Honey and Sugar (brown sugar, fine sugar, pink sugar, rock candy, sugar) 1532-1898
Olive Oil and Olives 1535-1898
Wine, Brandy and Vinegar 1515-1898
Fuel and Lighting Prices Coimbra (charcoal, firewood, tallow and wax candles) 1542-1898
Gunpowder and Metal for Metal Working Prices Coimbra (brass wire, gunpowder, iron, lead, tin, wire) 1545-1874
Miscellaneous Prices Coimbra (benjoim, confitures, incense, macaroni, mat, quince-jam, rish-mat, vermicelli) 1535-1863
Other Manufactures Prices Coimbra (paper, quills, soap, tallow, wax, writing ink) 1532-1881
Textile Prices Coimbra (baize, bocaxim, burel, coxinilho, damask, flax, linen, olanda, ruen, serafina, taffeta, tow, Zaragoza) 1535-1855
Lisbon wages
Annual Salaries Lisbon (anatomist, barber, bleeder, eye doctor, judge, lawyer, medical practitioner, money collector, nurse, organist, physician, promotor, prosecutor, registrar, scholar, solicitor, surgeon) 1519-1802
Daily Wages Lisbon, skilled workers (carpenters, masons, painters, pavers, sawyers, stone masons) 1507-1910
Daily Wages Lisbon, unskilled workers (laborers, farm workers) 1505-1910
Central Europe
Craftsmen’s relative wages (Allen)
Laborers’ relative wages (Allen)
Monthly wheat prices 1800-1913 (Jacks)
Ward-Devereux 1872/8, several cities
Augsburg 1500-1800
Cologne, monthly wheat prices, 1550-1700 (Poynder, IISG)
Frankfurt prices 1500-1800
Leipzig 1564-1914 (Allen)
Munich 1400-1914 (Allen)
Basel 1800-1833
Basel 1892-1923
Swiss currency
Vienna prices 1439-1800
Vienna wages 1444-1779
Sopron 1400-1750
Austro-Hungarian prices and wages, 1827-1914 (Cvrcek)
Austro-Hungarian housing rents, 1827-1914 (Cvrcek)
Eastern Europe
Craftsmen’s relative wages (Allen)
Laborers’ relative wages (Allen)
Monthly wheat prices 1800-1913 (Jacks)
Ward-Devereux 1872/8, several cities
Belarus agricultural daily wages, 1897-1914 (Lithuanian Data Archive
for Social Sciences and Humanities, LiDA)
Estonia rye and vodka prices 1735-1800, data (Vinnal)
Estonia rye and vodka prices 1735-1800, notes (Vinnal)
Estonia price series, 1913-1939 (Lithuanian Data Archive
for Social Sciences and Humanities, LiDA)
Estonia agricultural daily wages, 1897-1914 (Lithuanian Data Archive
for Social Sciences and Humanities, LiDA)
Estonia wage series, 1919-1939 (Lithuanian Data Archive
for Social Sciences and Humanities, LiDA)
Gdansk 1501-1914 (Allen)
Krakow prices 1369-1600
Krakow wages, interest, realty 1393-1600
Krakow 1796-1914
Warsaw prices 1701-1815
Warsaw prices 1816-1914
Wroclaw 1507-1618
Poland, eastern agricultural daily wages, 1897-1914 (Lithuanian Data Archive
for Social Sciences and Humanities, LiDA)
Poland 1929 income distribution
Lviv prices 1500-1700
Lviv prices 1701-1914
Lviv wages, interest rates 1501-1700
Lviv wages, interest rates, and realty prices 1701-1914
Moscow wage and price detailed data 1553-1851 (Korchmina)
Moscow living standards, Calculations for Rivista (2025) (Korchmina)
Nizhny Novgorod land lease prices 1859-1914 (Akasheva)
Russia p's w's 1590s-1871 (Mironov)
Russia Ag content ruble 1535-1913
Wages Moscow 1613-1871
Wages other_Russia_1613-1871
Russia w's salaries 1613-1725 (Hellie)
Russia egg prices c1500-c1870
Russia firewood p's 1606-1871
Russia paper prices 1590s-1790s
Russia wheat c1500-c1870
Russia's classes 1678-1913
Occupations by sector and province of European Russia 1897 and 1904 (Nafziger-Lindert)
Households by estate (soslovie), sector (zanyatie), and province 1904 (Nafziger-Lindert)
Ownership of rural lands 1904 (Nafziger-Lindert)
High incomes c1904, from the Opyt' (1906) study (Nafziger-Lindert)
Peasant incomes projected to 1904 (Nafziger-Lindert)
Income distributions in European Russia c1904 (Nafziger-Lindert)
Russia (Vitebsk) agricultural daily wages, 1897-1914 (Lithuanian Data Archive
for Social Sciences and Humanities, LiDA)
Nordic Europe
Craftsmen’s relative wages (Allen)
Laborers’ relative wages (Allen)
Monthly wheat prices 1800-1913 (Jacks)
Ward-Devereux 1872/8, several cities
Copenhagen P's 1712-1800
Sweden 1732-1874
Stockholm 1539-1620
Sweden GDP, with sectoral components, 1560-2010 (Schön and Krantz 2012). "See also Lennart Schön and Olle Krantz (2012), "Swedish Historical National Accounts 1560—2010" Lund Papers in Economic History 123, Lund University; and their published article "The Swedish Economy in the Early Modern Period: Constructing Historical National Accounts." European Review of Economic History. (First published online October 9, 2012)."
Northwest Europe
Craftsmen’s relative wages (Allen)
Laborers’ relative wages (Allen)
Monthly wheat prices 1800-1913 (Jacks)
Ward-Devereux 1872/8, several cities
Belgium 1366-1603
Brugge prices 1348-1800 (VerhulstIISG)
Ghent 1816-1925
Bravant and Zeeland, monthly agricultural prices 1816-1855 (van Riel, IISG)
Groningen agricultural prices 1546-1990 (Tijms, IISG)
Groningen grain prices 1641-1913 (van Riel, IISG)
Netherlands 1450-1800 (van Zanden, IISG)
Netherlands beer and excises 1353-1889 (Unger, IISG)
Netherlands consumer- and producer-good prices 1800-1913 (IISG)
Netherlands consumer prices 1815-1913 (Smits-Horlings, IISG)
Netherlands cost-of-living indices 1800-1913 (IISG)
Netherlands prices 1800-1913 (van Riel, IISG)
Netherlands prices 19th century (IISG)
Netherlands, Leeuwenhorst prices and wages, 1410-1570 (de Moor, IISG)
Western Netherlands 1450-1800 (IISG)
Western Netherlands prices and wages, 1450-1800 (van Zanden et al., IISG)
Holland income distribution 1732 (van Zanden)
Netherlands income distribution 1808 (Van Zanden)
VOC auction prices, quantities, and values traded, Amsterdam 1650-1790 (Pim de Zwart)
Dutch vs. Asian prices, VOC trade 1608-1800 (Pim de Zwart)
Edinburgh 1495-1800
England prices and wages since 13th (Clark)
England monthly grain prices, 1270-1955 (Poynter, IISG)
England - London, wages, 1450-1700 (van Zanden, IISG)
England-Wales and UK income distributions 1290-1994
London and Southern England 1295-1914 (Allen)
Silver value of £ 1273-1977
North America
Southern Economic History Project 1969-1976, and 1999 data set — Susan Carter, Roger Ransom, and Richard Sutch.
The Historical Labor Statistics Project of the University of California — Susan Carter, Roger Ransom, and Richard Sutch.
North America: Gallman–Rhode estimates of US Capital, 19th Century
Monthly wheat prices 1800-1913 (Jacks)
Ward-Devereux 1872/8, several cities on Canada and two cities in the USA
Silver in North America 1649-1977
Chesapeake 1733-1827
Massachusetts 1630-1883
Massachusetts vs. West Virginia vs. England real wages (Go-Lindert)
Maryland 1752-1856
Maryland prices 1675-1776 (Kulikoff, Menard)
Pennsylvania spliced series, 1720-1896
Pennsylvania -- tough splices for five commodities
Philadelphia 1750-1800 (Smith)
Price comparisons between American and England, specific goods, c1650 - c1870
San Francisco wholesale prices 1847-1900 and California wages 1870-1928
Vermont 1780-1943
West Virginia 1788-1860
For further wage series in the North American colonies and the United States, see Robert A. Margo's compilation of wage time-series in Susan Carter et al., Historical Statistics of the United States: Millennial Edition (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006), volume 2, pages 2-254 through 2-294.
For further price series there, see the compilation of retail and wholesale prices by Christopher Hanes, Robert A. Margo, Peter H. Lindert, and Michael R. Haines, in Susan Carter et al., Historical Statistics of the United States: Millennial Edition (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006), volume 3, pages 3-147 through 3-224.
Latin America
Buenos Aires, Argentina 1700-1800
Buenos Aires, Argentina 1770-1812
Bogota, Colombia 1635-1809
Bolivia 1676-1816
Brazil 1550-1769
Chile 1631-1830
Chile income distribution 1861
Cordoba, Argentina 1711-1762
Living standards in Latin America(Arroyo Abad et al.)
Mexico 1701-1813
Nueva España 1790 income distribution
Peru 1627-1822
Peru 1876 income distribution
Rent-wage ratios in Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Mexico, 1820-1900 (Arroyo Abad 2013a)
Total Population 1800-2009 (Yáñez et al.)
Welfare ratio and cost of living in Venezuela, 1830-1900 (Arroyo Abad 2013b)
Australia prices 1850-1914 (McLean and Woodland 1991)
Australia prices 1850-1914 (the Laird guide to the files, 1993)
New South Wales food p's, wages 1818-1983
Van Diemen's Land 1806-1850
Converting to metric units
Allen and Murphy's conversions
English vs metric measures
Latin American colonial metrology
Ward-Devereux conversions 1872/8
Weight vs. volume: How many kilograms per liter?
Austro-Hungarian physical units and heat conversions (Cvrcek)