Household budgets


For a guide to early household budget studies from around the world, see Faith M. Williams and Carle C. Zimmerman, Studies of Family Living in the United States and other Countries, Washington 1935, USDA Miscellaneous Publications No. 223

Baskets, Europe 1500-1832
Beiijing 1745-1754
Beiijing and London c1750
Canton 1757
Kyoto 1745-1754
Florence worker budgets 1289-1377
Lima, Peru, 1837, 1869, and 1957
North Europe (Strasbourg) 1745-1754
Peru 18th century
Sichuan 1905
Thailand, Asia 1930-35

Workshop on Historical Household Budgets, Selected presentations
Amsterdam, February 2016 organized by Jan Luiten van Zanden and Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk

Opening remarks by Jan Luiten van Zanden and Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk
Ongoing research on household budgets by Iam Gazeley and Andy Newell
Practices on developing standards by Silke Neunsinger
Regional explorations
North America by Peter Lindert
Latin America by Leticia Arroyo Abad
Africa by Johan Fourie
Asia by Corinne Boter